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Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

I found the group of friends we had made in our rural location were so very supportive and go not think I could have managed without them.  


What I am finding is that a lot of providers are moving to NDIS and my husband does not qualify for this.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Hello @Grayso  welcome and thank you so much for sharing Heart We are all sending you stacks of love, and want you to know you're not alone. What do you find the most challenging for yourself and your partner? Is it the lack of support etc?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Grayso sorry to hear that. What help do you need? We have a 24 helpline if you need to talk and this forum is a great discussion forum to share. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Hey there @Former-Member  that's tricky indeed, I hope there are some services in your area that will still be able to assist Heart Do you find forums like this and phone support useful at all? So great to hear about the support within your friendship group, this is key.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Many Carers find themselves financially unstable for many reasons, lack of jobs, the inability of an employer to support carers with flexible hours and shifts and the absence of an NDIS plan or lack of services locally. 

Lots of carers support their families and if their spouse doesn’t work, it can be difficult to allocate money for travelling to appointments, food, medication and transport. 


I'd be interested to hear other peoples thoughts on this...

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Ha ha, yeah sure ... I meet abba tribute artists all the time here in rural NSW. 😀  Fav song is probably Fernanda. I care for my hubby who has both mental and severe physical conditions. Proper care for him is hard to come by here in the bush. Support for me, as his carer is even more impossible. I think it is slowly improving, but still has a long way to go.


Hi @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Grayso 



Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Thanks guys, so glad to be here my partner actually linked me into this post. Um yeah lack of support. The closest health providers are 4 hours away for my partner to take part in DBT, she’s on a medication dose that was set 2 years ago but we don’t have anyone that can talk to her through it except me. I’m worried it’s just hurting her more?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member good you have a circle of support! You're right unfortunately many small organisations like ours have had funding pulled and NDIS is not a great alternative. We are constantly seeking funding that can allow us to put resources and services back on the grid for carers.


Not to pry, and feel free to phone ARAFMI if you would like a confidential discussion - but was it someone from NDIS that told you you couldn't qualify?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

@Arafmi_Ltd, @Former-Member , I am finding it hard to finding a balance between my mum and my mr shaz`s care and my own care

Re: Topic Tuesday // Being a Carer in a Regional Community // Tues 19th March, 7pm AEDT

Hey there @Grayso this is pretty challenging. If it's helpful I would recommend returning to our forums for yourself, and perhaps even your partner. A lot of our lived experience members here are pretty skilled in DBT. We even have a self directed DBT thread here that could help in between sessions. Do you know if there are any bulk bill skype practitioners? You may be able to find one on ACA or PACFA and of course APS 🙂 


What about your own self-care?