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Re: Daily Check In Space

@Shaz51 , so glad both your mum and husband's surgeries went well! What a comfort for both you and your mum for you to have been there holding her hand during the surgery. An angel with no wings...or perhaps you have them.hidden? 😉🤗


Sounds like a massive cut from what you describe. 😳 Glad it's all done now.



Re: Daily Check In Space

Hello @Healandlove , @Pem , @Sharni-lea , @Tilz , @Former-Member , @tyme 


Ha ha that made me smile @Healandlove 

Me an angel without wings or maybe hiding them 😁

Re: Daily Check In Space

@Pem  Nice to hear Pem. Me too doing good.

Re: Daily Check In Space

1) How are you feeling? 

Stressed extremely emotional 2


         You can use a scale of 1-10 (1= really bad , 10= really good), if you would like to.


     2) What is one thing you have struggled with, and one thing you have done well? Communicate 


     3) What is one nice thing you can do for yourself today? Don't know 😕 @cloudcore


Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi Guys, 


Sorry i really need someone to talk to. I'm hvaing major anxiety issues today and all i want to do is cry but i cant because im at work. 


Just everything that i have been dealing with lately has made me emotions boil over and i cant cope with it. 


i dont know what to do or how to get over it.  

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi @Pem 🙂

I'm sorry to hear that you're having a difficult day today.

I'm wondering if it's safe to, would you feel comfortable sharing what's been going on for you lately?

PizzaMondo 🙂

P.S. What time will you finish work today?

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hello @Healandlove 

How are you going my friend ❤️

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi @PizzaMondo 


I just feel like I'm going to break.  I don't know what the meaning is for me to be here.  

I hate myself.  I don't know how to love myself. 

I just don't know about anything anymore. 


Sorry I don't mean to be so down. 


Sincerely apologise 😔 

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi @Pem 


There's no need to apologise for being down... we all get that sometimes, and that's what the forums are for; a place to share without judgement.

Hope you start feeling better soon 🙂

Re: Daily Check In Space

Hi @tacocat 


I hope i do too. I'm getting exhausted from consantly putting upa brave and happy face. 

People always tell me about how im a happy and cheery person but yeah thats all just a facade. 

And i'm getting tired. i dont know how long i can keep it up for.