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Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Former-Member

Sorry to hear you are feeling so fed up with things today.

I'm going to send you an email now.

Be gentle.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi @Former-Member
I hear you and unfortunately feel quite the same. This week has been particularly hard and when I reached out for help I was smacked down and told to suck it up and get on with it.
That goes well with my poor self esteem. Why bother anymore? I try to look at the positives, I try to do the right thing, and for what? To feel like crap all over again. Maybe I’ll try again tomorrow, or maybe I’ll just find some hole to hide in for a while. What does it matter.

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

@Former-Member. Sending you hugs. ♥♥♥

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Dear @Sakurapuss and @Former-Member

I can relate to your messages .....I feel like the more I hang and care for Mr G .....I feel like I can't do anything else. Whenever I speak to someone about my caring role, I feel overwhelmed but they don't know what to say or only really want to talk about lighthearted things that have a positive outcome.

WE just got back from an expensive meal from this beautiful restuant and as usual.....I'm running around caring for's so so easy to forget about me. and I get respentful and angry at myself and him. 

I cannot get out of this cycle. 

@Sakurapuss were'nt you studyng last time we spoke ? 

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Hi everyone,
So glad it’s Friday as I’m only just hanging in there.
@PeppiPatty no I’m not studying but I have 2 jobs. My fun casual job has become a nightmare as I’ve had to “step up” and take on higher duties for no extra pay. It’s extra hours (extra $ to pay bills is a bonus) but it’s all the stress! I’ve never aspired to be a manager. I’m happy to just be a worker with no strings attached. My other job is shit enough as it is and home life could definitely be improved. I just feel out of control and everything is crashing down around me. Thanks to all you folks here that give me a sense of feeling normal

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Dear @Sakurapuss

Well, you lkve in Tasmania don't you? 

I remember you as very motivated to care for you.....

The thing thats getting me through is


direct talking to Mr G.......and also ......

letting things go with his Mum when she gets on the phone.......

and also

a timetable of what to do for the day and sticking with it. 


Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I worry about the state of a society when it seems completely acceptable for a bunch of grown men in a ute to stick their heads out of the window and yell out to a single woman walking outside a school to "get a normal looking haircut you *insert words that are just gross* ". I get that there are worse things in the world than name calling happening, but it gives me the creeps and makes me feel scared and sad to think how that is even a thing, and what that may mean for the people in their world 😞

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

Telling myself...
"Take very little notice on those people who choose to treat you poorly. It is how they are defining their story..not yours.."
(Dunno why i am still not removed)

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I just took a look at the new Government website "Head to Health". Apparently for those of us with BPD "adjusting your attitude" can be helpful. Wow...just wow. Good to see the Australian Federal Government is doing its bit to break down the stigma around BPD. So very very very sad right now. What hope is there if that is the advice being given out at the highest level of government in 2017. Smiley Sad

Re: Worry Room - Get it out, and walk away

I haven’t got a worry in the world. I adjusted my attitude and now my BPD is cured. Hurrah!

Wow. There are just no words. Thanks Australian Government for making me feel like such a worthwhile human being in so many ways. Smiley Sad