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Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

I just wanted to say a big 'Hello' to Kurra and OverTheEdge - it's so great to see you guys here too! 

Good on you, OverTheEdge, for expressing how you feel about the closure of Blueboard. In one post on BB I did want to say a lot more than I actually did say... but I kept fearing I would be moderated! I felt it just wasn't worth it....

Yes, sometimes the moderation on BB seemed very harsh. 

Now I am actually very keen to get my hands on the reseach that has been published as a result of the Blueboard project!

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Welcome to this forum. @BeeGee @Sahara@Former-Member @Kurra  Hope we last ...

I did a Mindspot course but didnt know BB existed. At first the limitations here were very restrictive and I was not used to forums at all, but gradually I adapted.  The situation re closure of BB sounds very poorly managed, though probably the staff are also upset.  I am outraged given the situation re rising ABS suicide stats. I do know that Sane CEO is trying to build support for more funding ... "They" are crazy if the "powers that be" dont grant it.

Re meds ... I knew sciencey types when I first married and we did research and discussed meds a lot back then. Hubby had bought a pharmacology report  I was out of the loop as I was busy raising kids and tryiing to survive for over 20 years. I have had good access to the net for last 4 years and so have been impressed at the ease of gaining information generally and decided to look elsewhere for my info re meds.  Yet as a body of shared wisdom and experience ... a forum like this could have a place for discussions re meds ... maybe something to tag for later developments.  Yet it is complicated science and legally ..

Re mods ... I was a little upset when I first joined to notice that some heart-breaking first posts were not responded to. I did not realise there was constant moderation I was newish to internet. I tried to respond to the posts but as they were old .. dont know of any consequence.. but still think of those people. I thought it not wise to leave people hanging with their souls on display ... it would just add to rejection.  That does not seem to happen any more. 

Personally I have found mods helpful, yet I also felt some need to discuss concerns directly on forum with them .. I found they responded and my point remained out there.  Which is GOOD.

Sometimes I am upset when a mod posts a "caring" comment which obviously shows that the mod has not read the persons other posts so the nice words are completely inappropriate ... IMO  and possibly taken as a veiled dig.  I dont always call it out as I dont want to trigger the person looking for help ... but this is a good thread to raise that topic.

Mods ... when posting .. if unsure about a persons situation ... please consider clicking on their profile and read a little so that you dont seem like a doofus by asking dumb questions that show you havent done your research.  More importantly ... dont inflame a delicate situation with a vulnerable person by putting your foot in it.

Re .. Forum Participants .. I am so glad you valued people with lived experience on BB ... we are not  2nd class citizens. 

Calling people out ... is tricky ...  I can see it has value ... you were clear that it was done in a respectful and informed manner ... by those who had read a persons history and were sensitive to discrepancies.

There is a role I learned about in psychodrama .. called the Naive Enquirer ... it is ok to ask questions but skill in counselling .. will be .. the ability to ask relevant questions.

Hope to get to know you over time.

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Greetings to you one and all. Silenus here. As with a number of you fine peeps, I was an active member of BlueBoard for a good number of years.

For those who don't know me - hi! [waves cheerily] Smiley Happy

For those who do know me - hi! [waves cheerily] Smiley Happy

I am a person who has been gifted with bipolar 2. I say gifted, because bipolar is what I've got, and there isn't much point in seeing it as a disease or a disorder or a great disaster in my life (even though it has caused me immense pain and anguish over the years). Instead, I see it as a gift, and try to find ways to live with the bad stuff, improve the bad stuff where I can, and enjoy the good stuff... if that's not a gift, I don't know what is... hahaha...

Hugs and happy vibes beaming to you all.

@BeeGee, @Sahara, @Kurra, @Former-Member - nice to see you landing on your feet. Huggles.

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

OTE!!! Silenus!!! OMG, it's like a family reunion... I may start tearing up here!  How wonderful to see you here too. Smiley Very Happy  Kurra - I'm not sure we've chatted on BB before but nice to have you too!

And... OTE... an EDIT function!  How happy you must be! Smiley Wink

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hi @Silenus aka Si,
It's really fabulous to be in touch with you here. So far, I'm finding this site very exciting. See you around lots I hope.

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

No we didn't chat on BB @BeeGee although I've tead the majority of your posts. A major health problem made it difficult for me to reach out. However all things eventually improve (or get worse) and I'm glad to say that at least for now much has improved.
I look forward to getting to know you better in my new home because that's exactly how it feels.

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hello dearest Kurra

So good to see you here too! The mod interaction here is so refreshing and welcoming - a really good start. I am feeling very positive about this site so far with the bonus of having my BB mates on board! I hope your health is improving. Keep in touch. Warm hugs xx

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

I am over the moon BeeGee!!! lol 🙂 Will kind of miss my quirky red-faced autocorrect indiscretions that gave us all a good laugh!  (don't worry though - you will probably see a lot my posts headed with "edited" staying true to form! hee). It feels like a family reunion here - so good to hear from you again my dear friend. Isn't the open public dialogue with moderators wonderful!! Feeling very positive about this site! It feels like a family reunion - so pleased to see you, Si, Kurra and Sahara here!! Warm hugs xx

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hi Sahara,

Great to see you on here too my sweet 🙂 A lot of members wanted to say a lot more regarding their concerns and distress on how poorly the closure procedure of BB was conducted - but like you did not do so through feeling oppressed/fearful by the harsh moderation. Not conducive with aiding members to deal with having their support system ripped from under them - it added to their distress. I am in the process of contacting the ANU Director of the Mental Health Research dept and their ethnics committee to see if I can gain answers as to what went wrong. 

It will be interesting to view the research papers seeing we were the participants of that project! I hope good can be drawn from it for the benefit of saving lives.

We are on a new journey now my friend - I am looking forward to the ride and to conversing with you more. Lots of love xx




Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Quote from OverTheEdge:

I am in the process of contacting the ANU Director of the Mental Health Research dept and their ethnics committee to see if I can gain answers as to what went wrong.

Those jolly ethnics!  Such troublemakers! Man Wink

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