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How are you coping?

@greenpea How's things? Pretty stressful times we are living in at the moment. I have been really busy with work. I was thinking of you and yours. My son is in home isolation until next Friday. Pretty stressful.

take care


Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Mex Yes it's a national forum.

Occasionally I come across links (on forum) to international threads or discussions (as well).

So it's not only in Australia (it seems).

I'm in WA.

Yes very different weather & temperatures, in different regions.

Still very warm & dry here (no rain).


Re: How are you coping?

Firstly apologies to one and all for being absent. Just so busy.

Trying to be realistic and not panic. Buying a treadmill, getting my dvd collection ready and only going outside for groceries.


I find coffee and tea and watching the supermarkets job sites like a hawk really help too.

Good Morning

sounds like a good plan @LadyleahRDBloom Cat Happy

Re: How are you coping?

@Dadcaringalone  Hey Dadcaringalone :D! pretty stressed out atm actually but doing okay considering the craziness that surrounds us all atm. Daughter moved out of home into her own unit now (3 weeks ago) so is just me and son2. He is handling stuff okay  We make a game of the virus which helps his stress levels.Hey I am going to study in second semester at uni :D:D:D (at least give it a go anywy). Wish me luck. Hope your job is going well for you and that it can weather the virus storm. Take care. peaxxx

Re: How are you coping?

The best version - I was surprised to find out that it's a Cover version (not the original).

Usually the original song version is the best.

High Quality Video...I enhanced it a lil bit...

Re: Good Morning!

@Adge  I'm in Melbourne, so it could rain at any time! I've heard we're several hours ahead but Perth is twenty years behind! Love Perth especially Scarborough Beach but havent been there for years, all high rise now probably my brother got married at Cottesloe, he cut a wedding cake with a chainsaw to fulfil a bet he made. Kings Park is good too, I liked the whispering wall.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Mex I'm originally from Sydney (grew up there) - too big, too busy.

I've been to Melbourne once (I liked it).

The east coast would only be 2 hours ahead of WA - except for Daylight funny time (Savings), which makes it 3 hours ahead.

Sounds like you know plenty of places in Perth, some of my favourites too.

Kings Park is very popular - yes the Whispering wall is very novel.


Re: Good Morning!

@Adge  favourite song at the moment is Missy Higgins "Sweet arms of a tune". Helps me remember people I've met, could be seen as a bit depressing but really just melancholy and wistful and probably poignant.

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea @Adge @Mex @TAB @LadyleahRDBloom 


Listening to a positive psychology podcast


Out of your mind Into your Life

Smiley Happy


Good Morning

oops they referenced Tony Robbins. Now they sound like little kids to me ... old lady mode kicking in ... lol
I am logging off and getting morning thoughts in early!

Smiley Happy