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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Birdofparadise8


I had a bit of an upsetting morning. I witnessed what I think was a man having an epileptic seizure. It was pretty distressing and I did the best I could by calling the ambulance. 


Thank you for creating this thread, I am hoping to find some words of comfort from my lovely forumites! 

Re: Not Coping

Time will tell @Birdofparadise8 - just go easy on yourself in terms of meeting people.


For me, I connect with the community through salsa and zumba sessions. It's just to get me out into the community.


Hi @Jake63 🙂 


I'm sorry to hear you had to witness someone having a seizure. I'm glad you were able to call an ambulance.


Did you get up to anything else today?

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Jake63 


Gosh that would be so scary to witness that I would have no clue what to do. 

Are you doing okay now?

Re: Not Coping

Yeah I will @tyme 

I’m going to trying and find some dance lessons in Melbourne so that will be fun. 

Re: Not Coping

My ones are free of charge @Birdofparadise8 . It is through the local community. They have various events in the community/council including walking groups, dance, art, clay, bunnings workshops, painting, sewing, walking football...


Try your local council when you get to Melb (you're moving to Melb? or are you there now?)

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Birdofparadise8,


Many thanks for getting back to me with supportive and kind words. It was very frightening and I think it was one of those situations where instinct took over and my better judgment told me to just call an ambulance. 


I am doing a bit better now. I have calmed down a bit more. Thank you so much for asking! 

Re: Not Coping

Yeah I will be moving to Melbourne to La Trobe University in February next year @tyme.  


That is so cool they are free I wish we had free stuff like that in Hobart I don’t that we do. 


@Jake63 your welcome hope tomorrow is a better day for you. 

Re: Not Coping

Hi @tyme 


Thank you so much for responding to me it makes me feel a lot better. 


When I got home I had to do use some of my sensory regulation tools to cope. I got under my weighted blanket, put my headphones in and put on some of my power/comfort songs. 


After I calmed down I started reading a new book I got off Amazon recently. I am enjoying it a lot. I just thought you might be interested to know what I am reading, I am reading Peril by Bob Woodward. The new book has been a good distraction! 

Re: Not Coping

Hello @Birdofparadise8


What is it they say? "Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery". 

Re: Not Coping

It is good to hear some of the strategies that work for you @Jake63 .


Thank you for sharing.

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