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Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hi @starflame 

Only some of these tips relate to paid work, most do not.   A lot of us carers are not in paid employment or have reduced our hours and only work part time due to caring commitments. 

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

sorry i misread tgat as "Career"

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Having a discussion about emotional resilience Here if anyone is interested. 

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hello @Former-Member , @starflame , @Adge , @Smc , @Determined , @Ali11 

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hello @Shaz51! There are some really great tips in this thread, especially regarding resilience, thanks so much for the tag. Do you have a top tip?

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

there are sooo many good tips @Ali11 

and it depends on each person and situation

It took me a while in what I needed to do and where I was needed and to where to tke control and it still takes me by surprise when and where things happens , it is never straight forward i am afraid to say

but if little things makes a difference ot must be good xxxx

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

That's true @Shaz51, we don't know how resilient we are until we are in a situation. Sounds like you've gained some incredible knowledge from this thread and been able to apply it in real life. Did you have an "ah-ha" moment when you realised that you are stronger and more resilient? 

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

ammm yes @Ali11 , when my mr shaz had a breakdown and ended up in the MI hospital for 2 weeks and my elderly mum broke her hip and has reoccurring bowel obstructions  and me I have diabetes and Kidney disease stage 4

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hello @starflame , are you ok tonight my friend xxx

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

thank you so much for asking @Shaz51 

Not really, today was the cut off date for my eldest son to respond positively to all the support and help being offered to him with respect to his behaviour in the house, his abusivenss when drinking and the amount that he is drinking, plus the usual stuff such as renaiging on promises, refusing to communicate.


I am so stressed I had to take my emergency truama dose of medication and slept for about four hours.

Then my Fiance came home and is in an awful mood. Apprantly he had a terrible day at work. He suffers wtih Bipolar II so when he is like this all I can do is leave the room if his energy is causing upset in me or sit with him providing him loving support and not engaging in conversation.


Sorry about the big brain dump here, I am in a bit of a state.