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Looking after ourselves

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@The-red-centaur wrote:
I'm not coping today. I'm really not. I don't know what to do anymore 😞

Dammit, I was hoping to hear that you'd had a great time at the Magic the Gathering game. I so wish life would get easier for you, @The-red-centaur ... 😞


Thinking of you ❤

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@NatureLover magic was good, got me through yesterday.

I have a lot going on atm. Spent last few hours waiting for my case manager colouring. Im hoping to be able to work through some of if with her.

Re: Coping in the emergency department



Re: Coping in the emergency department

Wow to your latest colouring, @The-red-centaur  !


Am glad to hear the game helped yesterday. I hope your case manager can help today...

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Where's the nearest exit please.....

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Just letting you know I'm safe.

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@The-red-centaur wrote:
Where's the nearest exit please.....

Oh gosh, you've had another bad night... @The-red-centaur  😞


Thanks for letting us know you're safe. 

Re: Coping in the emergency department

@NatureLover I'm about to head to psych ward. I'll be in touch tomorrow.

Re: Coping in the emergency department

Thanks for letting us know, @The-red-centaur . Thinking of you...

Re: Coping in the emergency department

I'm feeling good today. most of the crisis was relating to the fact i hadnt slept since saturday night. I'll tag you in my other thread which will explain some of what is going on.
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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