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Re: A new start (kind of)

Roads blocked ie not allowed to use @MDT all good no one seems bothered

Re: A new start (kind of)

Meant stuck at work was supposed to go home tomorrow morning lol @MDT

Re: A new start (kind of)

ah okay @TAB
you have a place to stay?

Re: A new start (kind of)

Yes, camp. Was always going to stay tonight but looking like will be here longer as Nightshift people couldn’t get here @MDT

Re: A new start (kind of)

Utterly terrible atm.
Need a sleep. Early wake up turned me into something terrible. Probably won't go out tonight though. Not enough money

Re: A new start (kind of)

So I had a bit of a sleep/meditation.

The one thing I realised was that I'm pressuring myself into going out tonight. Why? Because I keep telling myself I have to. Why? Just because "I should". This isn't a reason. I realised I'm pressing myself into going because of some form of urgency. But with my mind so focused on trying to "do things" I am losing track of myself.

I had to remind myself that these things are still there. It's not going anywhere. The reason I don't want to go tonight? I don't want to. That's all. Plus I have very little money to spend. This past two weeks have been exhausting me of all energy. I am hosting my own thing next weekend anyway sort of. Again, I must ease into all of this.


@Shaz51 @Zoe7 @Sam3 @TAB @outlander @eudemonism @BryanaCamp @Faith-and-Hope

Re: A new start (kind of)

Constantly throwing myself under the bus like that isn't helping. And making decisions about things, thinking thoughts about myself and saying things when I'm in that space isn't helping either

Re: A new start (kind of)

You have been pushing yourself to achieve @MDT and that can become exhausting. Give yourself a break buddy - you don't need to be constantly doing things to feel like your life is fulfilled - sometimes the finding of peace within yoursrlf is sitting back and just being.

Re: A new start (kind of)

I’m hearing ya, bro - ditto! @MDT I wish I could delete any thoughts about myself then wow I’d be a new better person. I think my doctor thinks it might be obsessional thinking not just part of depression but either way I want it gone!!! 

You might be putting pressure on yourself partly due to learned patterns from childhood, school, your parents perhaps so maybe you can resist it! 

Re: A new start (kind of)

Indeed @Zoe7
I see my pdoc Monday and psych Wednesday. Can raise it at both.
But yes, right now it's a case of being stable "within myself" if that's making sense?
Recalibrate etc.

Even just changing the language around how I view myself is essential. Rather than "I should be doing this atm" I challenge it with better ways to motivate myself.

I agree @Sam3 about childhood and school etc. Train g my brain according to what needs to be done etc.

I am okay atm. I am safe and eager to fix the situation and this is all that I have to worry about.

Just rest in that fact