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Re: rough time

squishy lil sis hugs for you too @Sans911 Heart
How is Jasper and Mr A going?

Re: rough time

Sorry to hear about your SI @outlander 🙁 That's tough.

What's your assignment on? Also tough to be trying to study when you're having a hard time.

Re: rough time

thanks @CheerBear
my assignment is on a whole heap of case studies on people with mh conditions and i have to work through each section answering questions for each case study like what sort of communication methods would be best suited in that scenario. theres 7 case studies all with around 6 questions each- no dot points, they need to have paragraphs so will take longer.

i finished the quiz which was the first assignment and passed that one so just have 2 more to go and then the course is finished.

Re: rough time

im sorry i have to go 😞 have to deal with pop again

Re: rough time

That does sound big @outlander, especially when you look at it all together 🙁 Wonder if your lived experience will help you out with writing it all up (I'm guessing it may).

Well done on getting this far in the course. I imagine it would be a pretty good feeling to have finished another course.

Re: rough time

thanks @CheerBear
it will be good to finish another course but i think i timed it wrong. the opportunity came at the wrong and right time i suppose but its almsot finished now.
my lived experience will come in handy however the questions seem to be more related to facts and statistics rather than coming from my own experience. i didnt do any of it today so im going to have to really get into it tomorrow.

@Sans911 wondering how you got on today?

@Former-Member how are things for you?

Re: rough time

Sorry I've not been around much today @outlander. I've been a bit busy and now on my way to see a show in the city which finishes late.

I saw my psychologist today, and everything is status quo atm. She wants me to focus on my studies and see her in two weeks.

I also had lunch with one of my aunties whom I've not seen in a long time, so that was nice.

And did a bit more of my assignment this assignment. If you need help with yours, just ask me. I know you can do it yourself though. Just make a start, no matter how small.

I'm online for about another hour before I need to check in to the show, so I can chat for a bit.

Re: rough time

i havent really been around either @Sans911 but wanted to check in on you Heart

your time with your auntie sounds nice esp after a psych session. your studies for the next 2 weeks seem like a good focal point for now.

i hope you enoy the show, can i ask what its about or what sort it is as in a play, concert etc?

i will start it tomorrow its been to much an an emotional rollercoaster today to be able to think much past a few minutes at a time. alot seems to be about going back through all my notes and researching into effective communication methods.

the final assignment is bigger but is easier and where i can use more of my lived experienced skills so i know that one wont be as hard. ive totally lost motivation for this assignment but i got 94% on the quiz a few days ago- i only needed 85 to pass so thats a good start.
Not applicable

Re: rough time

Hi there @outlander .

Thanks for asking how things are with me.  My answer?  Hmmmm ... not sure where to start.  So I wont.

You've been a bit quiet this week so far I think?  Do you have much on for the week?  Sounds like your course is nearing completion.

Re: rough time

you can start wherever you want to @Former-Member im more than happy to listen to you but no pressure either.

my week is very eh. just want it over and done with already sort of thing.