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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @greenpea  and thanks for the tag.  You sound like you're doing pretty well, all things considered.  It's nice to catch up on what's been happening for you.  And you @Dadcaringalone .  Hello also to others here @TAB @The-red-centaur @Faith-and-Hope @Meowmy  and anyone else around.  Take good care today, hope you find some pleasure along the way.

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @eth  just off for a walk here, thanks for the tag Cat Happy

Re: Good Morning!

@eth hey Eth . Hope you enjoy the day. Very quiet here.


Re: How are you coping?

Hey @Meowmy  have a god day sweetie with your mum. Hoping it goes well for you. Love peaxxx

Re: Good Morning!

@The-red-centaur  😞 I am sorry to hear that hun. Hugs and hugs. Hopefully you can get some sleep

Re: Good Morning!

Enjoy your walk @TAB   I'm not doing it enough - still depend on someone coming with me and bro and sil have been working (from home) all week.  Maybe over the weekend.

Hey @Meowmy   very quiet here too, but managing to keep occupied.  Years of practice of isolation!  

Take care everyone.

Re: Good Morning!

not doing enough here either, its steady 6/7 days a week atm but used to go twice as far when being good, need to ramp it up  plus yeah re isolation @eth  i mostly ever only left house to go to shops or work or not at all lol 

Re: How are you coping?

Hello @greenpea and may your week-
end be a pleasant one. Best wishes

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Mex and pleased to meet you. Have a great weekend.

Re: How are you coping?

@Bimby2  Hey sweety wishing you a kind and caring weekend. Love peaxx

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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