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Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Good afternoon @aButterfly Smiley Happy

been thinking of you today , hope you are ok xx

hello @Mazarita, @Former-Member, @Appleblossom, @Jacques

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi lovely @Shaz51....

Thank you for thinking of me!

I haven't posted for over 2 weeks!

The week I last posted I exercised 6 days!! Including 1 run! (First run in 10 months!) And 2 yoga sessions with my favorite yoga instructor!! (5 yoga days!)

Next week I went to yoga x 1... I did attempt to go on the Saturday - got up the range to Tbar & had a disagreement with partner, so couldn't 'pull myself together' in time & just went to a cafe.... I was quite exhausted from the previous week (& no yoga on Friday & Sunday due to Easter).... I watched Season 1 of 'The Bridge' & Season 2 & 3 of 'The Americans' (I have been anxiously waiting for them to release more of 'The Americans' in Australia - they are up to Season 5 in USA! We watched Season 1 in 2014!) I read 2 novels!!! My new favorite author is Liane Moritary! I have read 5 & I have 2 more to read (& then hopefully she publishes soon!) I picked up another from the library today...... I have challenged myself to read 30 books this year - I keep track on goodreads - I have read 8 & am "on track" - I read 20 - something last year.... 3 of 8 read this year I got from the library, so trying to save $$ sometimes.... which I can use for >

My project for a charity 'Share the Dignity' I am buying items gradually for a #itsinthebag for xmas - basically a bag full of self care items for a homeless women... I'm doing so well - I might even be able to make 2 bags! Everything I buy is vegan & cruelty free of course... Smiley Happy

I saw my psychologist & psychiatrist today - I am reducing the mood stabiliser again tonight....

I'm stilling getting the vivid nightmares & dreams from withdrawing from it - I expect I will be even more fatigued & maybe dizzy.... hopefully mood doesn't get too 'rocky'....

Lovely @Mazarita.... Your gym routine sounds great & well thought out by the physiotherapists! How has it been going?? It is getting cooler here, which is good for starting running again! Have you been beach walking??

Hey gorgeous @Former-Member.... Well you probably just had a break from FT work!! Keep being strong!!!

Sorry @Mazarita & @Former-Member... it has taken me 17 (?) days to reply!! Guess what???

I still haven't got my ring!!!

My partner contacted them last week & they said it was almost finished!! Hopefully I get it at least by the end of the week!!

Tonight is 'This is Us' night on TV - it is good quality TV... nothing else on TV is worth 'putting in the diary' at the moment!

I watched the movie 'Passengers' the other night - I really enjoyed it - best movie this year so far...

I'm trying to be upbeat, but I'm actually anxious about reducing the medication dose.....

Just another step....

Sending strength & hugs to all >

@Shaz51, @Mazarita, @Former-Member, @Appleblossom, @Jacques, @Former-Member, @NikNik @CherryBomb....

@CherryBomb- ever tried blindfolded yoga?? It is amazing!!



Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly

I love your project of giving dignity to a homeless woman.

Blindfolded yoga would probably be too disorienting for me, but I can see how it might worth the challenge.

Not applicable

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hello @aButterfly 🙂
Wow, awesome on the yoga/run ... everything 🙂 U are sounding upbeat but there is some good things to be upbeat bout i think 🙂 (even if because of nerves xx).
oh blind folded yoga... i have enough trouble balancing with my eyes open! I read recently about somone in Canberra who is doing yoga courses on a lake on surfboards... Im thinking that the water in Canberra would be so cold that would be a pretty good incentive to get good balance 😄
Nice to hear from you, and hope that the med reduction goes ok!

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hello @aButterfly

I love your project of giving , soo good to hear from you my friend HeartHeart

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly!

Nice to hear from you. Sounds like things have been busy with lots of yoga, and reading. I love your goal to read 30 book this year. Reading a great story (or 30) can be so rewarding. Unfortunately with my study I find it hard to focus to read for enjoyment these days, though I do miss it.

I've not tried blindfolded yoga. Sounds interesting! How does it work? Does the instructor just call out the names of postures? What's it like? I imagine it could feel quite uncomfortable at first, but potentially relaxing and rewading once you let go.

Hope the adjustments with the meds goes smoothly. By the sounds of it, you're doing so much to stay health healthy - eating well and exercising - so this should help. 

So nice to 'see' you again! Smiley Very Happy

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

hi @Appleblossom@aButterfly @Shaz51,


Wow, you are amazing @aButterfly, such an amazing theng to do, their are so many homless people now. i am so proud of you @aButterfly


hugs to all my friends, im haivng to take each day as it comes, just being gentle with myself


Re: Hello - I'm back.....

I learned a new way to use the word "gentle"

pop on a "d"

I often need to be gentled.

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hello @Appleblossom, @aButterfly, @Jacques, @CherryBomb, @Former-Member

 I love your goal to read 30 book this year. Reading a great story (or 30) can be so rewarding. -- Wow @aButterfly 

Maybe i should try this @CherryBomb, reading books xx

Hello @Jacques Heart

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly, great to see you! Such good things happening in your life. Your dedication to your healthy lifestyle is so admirable. Blindfold yoga sounds like it might be an enlightening experience. Ace about the reading and wise thinking about using libraries. My support worker is from Germany and she says that free libraries were a revelation to her in Australia. Wonderful the work you are doing for Share the Dignity. Heart

My gym program restarts on Friday, after needing to miss two weeks. One because there was flooding around the hospital where I do it. The second because I came down with a nasty cold, which I'm still recovering from. Yes, I've been beach walking, though, even just after the worst of the cold was over. Today I also added a new, shorter walking circuit to my routine by walking around a school where I live. It's for days when I am super low on energy but can manage a shorter walk even if I can't do more.

I really hope you get your ring by the end of the week. Crossing fingers you do. Woman Happy

It's lovely to hear you sounding upbeat. There is that saying 'fake it 'til you make it', and I think there's some truth in it!

Sending strength back to you. Namaste. Heart