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Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly, sorry to have to admit it, but I am no longer doing the hospital gym. Circumstances seemed to conspire against me and I had too many absences in a row, and so discontinued. It was only a six week program and I wouldn't have been able to make it this week and next week either (for reasons too long-winded to explain). Walks have dropped off over past couple of days because I've had a big mood nosedive. That's because our rental flat is now about to go on the market and we may need to move. But I plan to be back into the walks again as soon as I get a little bit of bounce back. I'm hoping that will be very soon as my mum and oldest friend are coming up here from Victoria to visit from next Tuesday. That is really something to look forward to!

Here's hoping your government housing for the GC comes through much quicker than expected! Really glad you are back and posting again. Heart

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hello @aButterfly, how are you today HeartHeart

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @Shaz51, hope you are finding good moments today. I too have been thinking about @aButterfly. Sending both of you hugs. Heart Heart

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

hello @Mazarita, how is your day going , I am ok

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @Mazarita - hmm, I thought I replied to the message you wrote on 29th April... How was your trip? Any beach walking?

Sorry both @Shaz51 - I saw messages on 3rd, but I've been really unwell with withdrawals - lots of chest pain, anxiety & panic - which has resulted in an increase in the paranoia AGAIN

Also, my partner is nearly always using my laptop & I find it much harder to navigate here on my phone.

How are you 2 lovelies??



Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Sorry @Mazarita - your family came to visit YOU! How was that? Have you found a new home?? Xx

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

hello @aButterfly, how are you today my friend HeartHeart

i see the kidney specialist for my 6 monthly checkup next week xx

how ar the cats and how many books now have you read xx

Not applicable

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly

nice to see you again 🙂 did your ring come yet? Are you happy with it?

Sorry to hear about the withdrawals and paranoia 😞 hope that they ease up...

How are those kitty cats of yours?

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @Former-Member

Ring took about a month to arrive - it is beautiful...

Cats are happy... One is sleeping in a box we got today, which had a small heater in it... Very cute...

I feel terribly unwell... I don't feel I'm doing much right at all... I'm spending too much money & I'm behind in my health insurance... Also, my pharmacy account is high again. I feel like I'm drowning... I can't really cope with the paranoia, but somehow manage to survive... I keep feeling like I'm losing my mind all over again... And a lot of issues I have with hygiene and needing certain clothes clean is making me feel I have ocd tendencies... Spending money I shouldn't feels like hypomania... I feel so much, that it is terribly painful to talk about all my fears

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

@Shaz51 hope you are not too unwell with kidney issues.. Hugs

Reading 12th novel now

Mother in law brought us the small heater.

Sorry I'm not keeping up with everyone