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Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly,

I got an email notification with your message earlier today but the message seems to have been taken down from the forum for some reason. It's good to hear what's going on with you at present. Need a break from the computer just now so won't say more. But wanted to let you know I heard you and am sending fond thoughts. Heart


Re: Hello - I'm back.....

you  have read 28/30 books now-- way to go @aButterfly

It is sooo wonderful to hear from you and to hear about your cats Heart

Hello @Mazarita, @Appleblossom, @Former-Member, @BlueBay xx

Not applicable

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly - im so glad to hear from you. i wish things were easier but so happy to hear you have been doing some yoga with someeone who is also vegan and you feel that connection with. I wish though, that things were easier for you. I'm struggling a lot.. in such a huge hole that nobody sees really. and finding it hard to be around anymore, things are just so ... i dont even know...

Re: Hello - I'm back.....


It was good to hear from you about your study and yoga and Katniss being a mum!

Yes I can tell you are real idealist ... but nothing strived for nothing gained ... just remember to include yourself in your practise of ahimsa ... no harm to yourself as a living being.Heart

Yes life can be a big hassle with so many things to check and to manage and to do.  I have often pressured myself to be on lowest meds but am realising that I have also endured the trial of too much suicidal ideation.  I am learning not to be tolerant of it ... if you know what I mean? That I deserve (and so do YOU) some quality of life away from all that self whipping and torture.

I have been off the forum for a week and just flying by.

Sadly I took one of my cats to the vet this week as he was dripping blood from his nose not doing well.  The vet was manging my expectations that he is very old and sick. I panicked once when he was away from the house for half a day, but he wanted to go walking walking with me at night and trotted along in his usual companiable way ... so I think he is coping.

Take care.  Gentle Lady.

Your partner sounds idealistic too, but sometines those most intimate can be hurtful. I hope you work it out when you do have so much in cmmon.

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

..old Tabby Tomcats prefer Hatha re hot yoga .. sheesh .. just got own copy of book that used to pinch from friend long long time ago. Tried basic basic stuff yest .. woo .. it has been a long time.. ugh Hi @aButterfly .. I am not sure if I remember you to be honest but well, old brain maybe.. just saying hi and me to you re Universe or a hug if you were okay with that.

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hello my @aButterfly, seeing how you are my friend xoxo

Hello @TAB, @Appleblossom, @Former-Member, @Mazarita

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

hellloooo @aButterfly, checking in to see how you are xoxo

Hello @Appleblossom, @Former-Member, @Mazarita

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hello @aButterfly , been thinking of you lots today , hope you are ok

and @Jacques  is here too xoxo