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Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Namaste, @aButterfly. Glad to see you. I've come back after months away too. Sending good vibes. Heart

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hello @aButterfly 

It is soooo lovely to see you here my friend Smiley LOLSmiley LOL

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Thank you @Shaz51 & @Mazarita :)))

@Former-Member & @CherryBomb... My birthday peridot silver rings haven't arrived yet.. Will post photo hopefully next week!

All kittens were sold to loving homes... We got photos & names back from 4.... Best name is: Barney!! 1 was brought as a gift for a friend, so probably why we didn't get photos... I hope they send photos when they are bigger. We had some troubles with selling them... Lady put a deposit, then wanted $ back... Another lady took & paid for kitten & husband returned it!! Etc. Katniss & Primrose are having a break, because I said so! Because I need a break!!

Update for those who were interested...

I haven't been able to get involved much in the forums again... I'm too tired a lot, yogaing, reading, being with my partner & too peopled out!! Anyone else get 'peopled out'??

Sending strength to all....


Not applicable

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi Anna (@aButterfly)
awww, glad that it worked out in the end wiht the kittens, and that you got photos back 🙂 Sounds stressful with the people though!

Yes, i get peopled out lol! I'm over people and how they behave/treat other people 😞

Sounds like you are really busy at the moment, which while hard, might be good too?

I've been so busy and not keeping up with lots on the forums, unless i'm tagged 🙂 I really am so glad that you are back, lots of hugs

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi @aButterfly, yes, I get peopled out. And then I crave people, lol. So good to hear the kittens have gone to good homes.Wonderful that you got some photos too. Phooey to the hassles. I think you are doing the best thing with the forum in some ways. I keep reminding myself that 'real life' is more important. Then I find myself again spending chunks of time here, lol. All is basically well with me at the moment anyway, give or take some ups and downs and roundabouts. Awesome that you are still into your yoga. I have started a gym class at the rehabilitation gym at the public hospital. Had one session and loved it. Can't wait for the next one. Cat Happy


Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hey gorgeous @lasagne....

Did you go back to teaching part time this year??

Yes, I over the inherent selfishness of people...

I have been experiencing less paranoia, because I am engaging with people less...

I'm not sure I would say I am "busy"..... I still haven't got back into a good regular routine with yoga since my major oral surgeries last year 😞

I'm just doing what I can... While I'm going through withdrawals...

Love & strength xx



Re: Hello - I'm back.....

@Former-Member - on phone, autocorrect, haha, don't know how to edit message on phone!
Not applicable

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

hehe, i like it... perhaps i'll change my username lol @aButterfly 🙂
oh no about the withdrawals 😞
Doing what you can sounds perfect really, you're not stressing yourself and you're still keeping up with the Yoga, when you can put more time into it, you will, for now i hope you are enjoying what you are doing 🙂
hugs! I'm jsut heading to bed now, but no I'm still fulltime this year. didnt work out to go part time, though i may look at that again later in the year possibly.
nice to hear from you 🙂

Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Hi lovely @Mazarita - Yes, I am an introvert, but I usually like being around people... Just since the "friend" being cruel & rejecting me before Xmas... It is too much... That's why I deactivated my account here for a few months - even though people are kind here - paranoia can knock me (& others) around a lot... Hard to explain properly...

The gym class sounds good! What type of exercises do you do?? In 2013 I did Zumba at the gym for a while! That was fun! I started running more outside though, instead of on the dreadmill, so I cancelled my membership... Are you still walking on the beach??

Good vibes & a *hug*



Re: Hello - I'm back.....

Morning, @aButterfly. I know what you mean about things being a bit nerve wracking on the forum sometimes. Wise that you took a break when you needed it.

Only had one session of gym so far. The program is designed and supervised by physiotherapists for my (low) level of fitness and my physical health problems. So it is a very light workout at the moment including some treadmill, bike, leg press, weights (1kg, lol), stepping, various seated and standing stretches. One hour session that will gradually increase demands as my fitness improves. Still walking on the beach, though not as frequently over summer with the hot weather. Heading into the cooler months I'm hoping I get the number of walks a week up again. I like to do three walks a week if possible.

Hugs back!


Cat Happy