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Something’s not right

Re: Hi.

Psych didn't go well. 

I'm breaking down.


Re: Hi.

I ended up getting admitted last night 😔

Re: Hi.

OK, @The-red-centaur , thanks for letting us know. I hope your stay does good...thinking of you...

Re: Hi.

I got home late this arvo.

Re: Hi.

hope your okish @The-red-centaur

Re: Hi.


Re: Hi.


Me and memes...



This is me today.....I lost to the flat one 

Re: Hi.

The urge to not be here or to damage myself beyond fixing is really strong. I feel like I don't deserve help coz I'm just a fuck up and faking it all.

Re: Hi.

Hi @The-red-centaur ...oh gosh, you're not in a good place...


You're definitely not faking it all! You have a huge lot of stuff to carry and deal with. 


I am sitting with you...

Peer Support Worker

Re: Hi.

Hey @The-red-centaur, also sitting with you. Everyone, EVERYONE deserves help. It's really tough walking through this life, and there are so, so many of us who have felt like "we must be faking it" - but I tell you what, people who are faking it don't worry about whether they're faking it. And guess what, if they have to fake things to get help, then they probably need help! 

I don't think that's you though, and regardless, we'll be here by your side to help you through this difficult time Heart

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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