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Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @Ru-bee


Im so use to living on my own that being around them 24/7 is hard. They drag me into everything. Dad just started whinging about mum to me and I just said to him ‘you are the same’ so now he has the shits with me. I am tired of being treated as a child. I’m tired of sheeting how much I don’t matter. No one can make a decision so it’s all left to me to make the wrong one! Last night they just pushed me too far and I had to go to bed to get away from it.

Sorry about my whinge. 

How have you been? 

Re: I can’t cope

Please winge away @Captain24 some of what you mentioned definitely reminded me of my own parents - One unloading about the other even though they're just as bad as each other

I also find whenever I'm with family for an extended period we all start to revert back to the roles we held years ago. I can turn into a surly teenager and my parents start to get overbearing. 


Just think, tomorrow you'll be back in your own space. Until then I hope they let up a bit


I've been good, just sitting in the sun this afternoon, having a cuppa and thinking about all the weeding I desperately need to do in my tiny garden

Re: I can’t cope

I’m glad you get it @Ru-bee at the same time I’m sorry that you get it. 

I feel like I don’t have a choice but to be that child. But yes.. this time tomorrow I’ll be without them. 

Sitting in the sun sounds nice. Weeding the garden though doesn’t sound nice. I have 3 garden beds that need weeding. However the only thing in the garden beds are weeds. 

Do you like gardening? 

Re: I can’t cope

I think I like the idea of gardening @Captain24 I'd like to be an avid gardener, and dream about having a beautiful garden filled with flowers one day, but at this stage I'm not fantastic with the upkeep.

Maybe one day when I have a garden that's really my own, rather than in a rental, then I'll find a passion for it...

How about you, do you enjoy gardening?

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve just come down to the beach but there is blue bottles so I can’t get in @Ru-bee .


Id like to be a gardener too but I’m useless at it and don’t enjoy it. I did do a nice garden last year but apparently the clay in the soil is the reason why everything died. I’ll try again when I get back. It is my house though, not a rental. 

I did manage to keep this alive though 



Re: I can’t cope

@Jynx  Are you around tonight for the ‘chore’ chat? 

Re: I can’t cope

Just been for the last walk on the beach. It was nice but my parents made me put Jett back on his lead. I will be free of them tomorrow afternoon. They drain me and make me feel like I am useless. It does bring the enjoyment of the holiday down. 

The dogs have had a great time. I even got Jett in the water at the beach. 

Every time my dogs bark dad yells at them and shakes his fist. I am trying to control them I don’t need him to carry on. 

I have done most of the walk so I have achieved a lot and enjoyed most of it. 

I got to see some amazing scenery.