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Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 , missing you and hoping you're coping... 🤞💛

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 💗💗

Re: Morning has broken

Just flat today. Tried to cancel pdoc appointment this week as I have nothing to talk about anymore. Receptionist emailed pdoc then rang me back to say pdoc wants to see me …so, I just can’t go on like this . I’m safe.

Re: Morning has broken

Perhaps seeing the pdoc might be a good option @Eve7 

Sometimes I think I'm just wasting their time but come out the other side glad I had that appt.

Obviously your pdoc cares about you and how you are going.


Here with you hon 💕

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 🌷🌻🌺

Re: Morning has broken

Sorry things are so rough @Eve7 - I will echo what @Snowie said, I've found that forcing myself to go to appts even when I didn't feel like I had anything to focus on ended up being super helpful. You know yourself best though obvs and if you need to just take that time for you, then that's the right call. 


Sending some hugs your way 💜🫂

Re: Morning has broken

I'm so glad your pdoc cares so much about you dear @Eve7 


Also that you're safe. 


I notice you posted to help someone yesterday - I was amazed at your generosity when you are feeling like you are ❤️


I hoep your pdoc appt goes better then you expect 🤞💛

Re: Morning has broken

My pdoc appointment was rugged and I came home exhausted. Pdoc has suggested an admission to which I said NO! However, since being home I can see that it may be beneficial and I am hoping it can be planned rather than rushed. 


Not much else to say really.

Re: Morning has broken

Hey @Eve7 ,


Are you feeling okay in that you didn't want an admission now?


It sounds like they are genuinely concerned.


Are there things you can work towards to help you through these next few days?

Re: Morning has broken
