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Something’s not right

Re: Not Coping

That's good @Former-Member 

I mentioned how I am in a previous post. 

Why apologising @Shaz51 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 , I just not wanting to trigger you my awesome friend xoxo 

That is why I am saying sorry xx

Re: Not Coping

@Shaz51 I remember you mentioning your mum passing. I'm keeping you in my prayers lovely, I can imagine how difficult it must be.

Take care of yourself, much love and hugs 🫂 ❤️

Re: Got da Job

@Birdofparadise8 @Shaz51 @Former-Member @creative_writer @tyme @Glisten 


I got the job, start Wednesday. 

I'm looking forward to working again and I promise to maintain contact with my Sane family.

Thank you all for your best wishes, so many ❤️ and 🫂 to you xoxo 

Re: Not Coping

Oh, because of my nan @Shaz51 

It's okay. You haven't. 

OMG, that is great, @ENKELI. I'm so excited for you. 

Not applicable

Re: Not Coping

Im sorry to hear things have been hard regarding sadness and depression @Birdofparadise8 💜, however it is really nice to read you have things in place to help, and that chatting here also feels like a good support xx

I hope they can sort out the earpieces for the next scan, and then they can go ahead with it - looking forward to the next update 🙂

Sorry to year things are tough right now, however I think doing something to distract is a good idea xx

I hope things can settle down for you sweetness 🌺

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I forgot to tell you, my bro asked me what does Xxxxx think of the new album (meaning you) and I said she thinks the same as me. Lol, you get mentioned in general conversations more than other friends I know!

He also said that you sound very mature for your age and you have good taste in TV. He likes Utopia too.

Re: Not Coping

Thank you @Birdofparadise8 , @ENKELI ❤️


And wow @ENKELI 😊👍

Not applicable

Re: Not Coping

Hey there @Blackbird11 💜🌺

Thinking of you, sending you hugs and more hugs 🤗

Take your time xx 

holding space for you.

Re: Not Coping

Yeah chatting here really is helpful @Former-Member 

Yes I hope so too. 

Thank you I am speaking to KHL soon so I hope that goes well. 

Hahaha how sweet I really like hearing that @ENKELI. I do hope I'm mature lol. 

All good @Shaz51 

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