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Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hi @BlueBells

Welcome to our new home.  You'll get used to the differences quite quickly.   I feel much more relaxed here and it seems a lot friendlier and I feel more like a person who is valued.

I'm so glad my instructions helped you out. After a rather unfortunate withdrawal of one of my post on BB I never managed to feel very safe there afterwards and so I posted very rarely in the last 2.5 years.  Here I feel safe again and able to express myself more openly.  It's been a very positive change for me.  I find the email notifications very helpful too.

I do hope you find similar comfort here as I have done. 

There's a wealth of information you can read on all sorts of information.   I'm finding it a largely superior site despite the need to adjust to the differences. 

Good Luck with your dicoveries as you explore the site in greater depth.


Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hey BlueBells!  You made it!  Welcome.

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Si, Ote and Kurra 🙂

Thanks so much for the warm welcome 🙂

As I mentioned on BB, it's the way of finding posts/forums that is taxing on my hands 😞

Still, I'll be around. It's my nature to care, share, and (unfortunately) to pole my nose in at times hahahaha 🙂

Hugs to you all 😉

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

oops, poke lol 🙂

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia


How are you?

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hi BeeGee, Fighter 🙂

I'm already quite lost on here, and by the time a post shows, I've lost where I am (I'll blame old age hahaha )

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Good to see you Fi on board too - welcome!! xx

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

You will get use to it bluebells - before you know it you will be a pro! Smiley Wink

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hi Blue Boarders!

So lovely to have you here. I really hope that you find it supportive and welcoming here. Any concerns feel free to give one our lovely mods an '@' mention or feel free to email us at the team@saneforums email. Smiley Happy

I just wanted to point out an event this Friday that you might like to come to. The Friday Feast we hold every week. It start at about 6:30pm, and its a chance to 'mingle' and hang out. Bring a virtual plate of food and some food for thought to discuss!

Hope to see you there. This week the lovely @NikNik will be hosting it. 

Re: Hi, new here with dysthymia

Hey @Fighter4ever aka Fi,

It's fabulous to see you here.   Welcome my dear.   Hope you're travelling OK.
