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Re: Good Morning!

gots to crash here @Glisten  nite

Re: Good Morning!

Depends what is being Decoupaged @tyme . MDF is fine.

There is no excuse for defacing hardwood. Completely unacceptable.

You should see the old mantle I scored today 🙌🏼😎

It’s going to be part of a mobile mud room.



Re: Good Morning!

Night mate @TAB 

Re: Good Morning!

Sorry @Glisten ... 'me' (this non-handy person) obviously doesn't know what decoupage is... I thought it was sticking paper together in 3D layers lol

Re: Good Morning!

There’s lots of different types @tyme The 3D decoupage takes very good skills very few people have.

I see a lot of this


Re: Good Morning!

JMS are having a sausage sizzle at Bunnings.

Dog & Ginger Beer for Brunch. My guts are going to hate me 😬

How is your Saturday? @creative_writer @ENKELI @Meowmy @PeppyPatti @TAB @Historylover @Shaz51 @SmilingGecko @Oaktree 

Re: Good Morning!

That's defo not the decoupage I was thinking. I was thinking the layered paper using hot glue @Glisten 

Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten I have been reading how to disinfect water for long term storage. Got to wrap my head around it. Never got on board with a water tank in the past but was able to get 220L water barrels from FB marketplace today under the inspo of a preparedness person. A place up the road had them and was able to do home delivery. Only $20 each! May go for a walk soon. Have added something else to health protocols and am feeling like a bag of jumping beans again

Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten the weather matches my mood today. Still getting pain and it's like a sharp stab to the jaw and ear. Took some pain meds and went back to bed. No Bunnings for me today. 


I like 3D decoupage. I bought mum a beautiful 3D swan many years ago that I've told her she has to leave to me when she carks. I'm not creative in arts and crafts so I admire anyone who is able to create something out of nothing, like you can with furniture.


What are you up to today? I'm finishing off a diamond painting and staring out the back door, wondering what I should do next... 😊

Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten so the A frame won? What a shame we can't all get together and have a busy bee. I'm with you in spirit my darling friend. Mucho hugs, muffins and fresh brewed coffee and tea ❤️