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Something’s not right

Re: Hi.

@mufusa I want to leave to act on my thoughts. I am staying for now though. Will wait and see for another hour so with what happens with morning drs.
I'm getting tired. I need to crawl into a hole n cease to exist. I've been here since 2am after being brought in by police.

Re: Hi.

@The-red-centaur  I'm really glad to hear you're staying where it's safe, even if it feels hard and uncomfortable to be there right now. Anyone in your position would be feeling the need to hide away from it all right now, but you're being incredibly brave. Please continue to keep us posted on how you're feeling and how the situation unfolds for you. 



Re: Hi.

@The-red-centaur  I'm so concerned and sorry to read your thread just then. Good for you for staying in emergency for now. I really hope  the doctors will be helpful. Oh gosh, I so wish for some relief for you... 💔  


I'm here to sit with you for a while, if you like...

Re: Hi.

Hey @NatureLover thanks for sitting with me. You've always been so kind to me

Re: Hi.

I really feel for you, @The-red-centaur  💔😭


I'm so glad you're allowed your phone while waiting. I've been thinking of you and wondering how you were doing...I'm sorry that it all seems to have come back with a rush. It's good that you posted here, as you have lots of people who love you. 

Re: Hi.

@NatureLover I'd be lost without my phone 😅😅😂

Re: Hi.

Yeah, me too! 


I'm so sorry for the loss of your stepdad 😞  @The-red-centaur 

Re: Hi.

I'm seeing mental health later this arvo.

Re: Hi.

OK, good luck  @The-red-centaur 

Not applicable

Re: Hi.

Thanks for letting us know @The-red-centaur, wishing you all the best with that appointment. Please keep using the forums if it's helping. Your ability to distract yourself and connect with peers when you're struggling are big strengths ðŸŒ»  

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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