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Something’s not right

Casual Contributor

Triggers with mental illness

I have recently filled in a survey that I was informed in writing that I had a legal obligation to fill in. It was from a government department and the topic was mental health. Well when I had finished my reaction was to cry then to panic then to ring my counsellor. OMG I was told random people of the community were selected and I had been selected. Well you could not answer the questions unless you had a mental illness so how could they select random people. Boy did it trigger my mental illness as I had to recall the past traumas in my mind to remember how old I was when something happened and how long it took place and what support I had or recieved later. I was so distressed after I had completed this survey that I had to ring my counsellor. And now I have to go over issues in my past all over again that I thought I could move on from. I even felt worthless, depressed, a complete failure in life and suicidal. After ringing my counsellor she informed me that I was under no legal obligation to fill in any form or answer any questions and that the letter this was written in was using scare tactics to get me to do the survey. My counsellor then rang and spoke to the field officer and told her that she needed a counsellor present if she was going to present this survey to anyone else that has a mental illness. My counsellor also asked that my personal details and answers be removed and for them not to come near me again. Which so far they have done. But what a roller coaster of emotions, and now I have a lot of work ahead of me to overcome all the bad memories. As a fallout from this experience I am still feeling suicidal but with the support from my counsellor I have hope. I thought I would let you all know that this survey if it comes to you and you have a mental illness PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT IT IT WILL SCREW WITH YOUR MIND AND MAKE YOU NOT COPE. We need to stay healthy as best we can when dealing with mental illness. This survey was an assault..


Re: Triggers with mental illness

Thank you for the warning, @Greenvalley. What can you do to look after yourself at this time?
Not applicable

Re: Triggers with mental illness

Hi there @Greenvalley, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. It sounds like the project had not thoroughly considered ethical issues and the potential psychological harm it could cause. I'm glad you were able to reach out to your counsellor. It sounds like they have supported you well. I hope you are looking after yourself while you're triggered right now. I really encourage you to contact a professional helpline if you're feeling unsafe or needing some one-on-one support around this-

SANE help centre- 1800 18 7263

Suicide Call Back Service- 1300 659 467

Lifeline- 13 11 14


Take good care,



Re: Triggers with mental illness

I reallly like that you're taking the time to warn other people. It's appreciated. Good team-work. I'm even more pleased that you passed on the experience to your counsellor. Sounds like monkey business if ever I heard it. Good on you for being the voice of sanity.

Re: Triggers with mental illness

Hey @Greenvalley This is both unacceptable and dangerous for these people to be doing what they are. You may not want to take it any further but have you thought about reporting this to your state's Mental Health Council and/or you local member of parliament - both can advocate to have these practices stopped. It is totally unacceptable practice and it seems the questions in this survey are totally inappropriate for anyone to be 'told' they have to answer, let alone someone with an underlying or prevalent mental health issue. I am totally disgusted that you have been put through this and that the practices from this so-called government department may not only be unethical but also illegal. I am so glad you contacted your counsellor and she went into bat for you. That does not take away the stress it has placed upon you so I hope she is now there also to help you work through all that has come up Heart

Re: Triggers with mental illness



That's is really a disgusting act to do to people. Put something on a form that says you are legally obliged to answer the questions. Absolutely disgusting. I would have ripped it up and thrown it in the bin but that's me. 


I'm really glad you reached out to your counsellor and that she told them to STOP. You were not under any legal obligation and she is right, they do this to people to cause fear so they fill out the form. That is so manipulative. I feel angry that this happened to you. I'm really sorry. 


I hope with your counsellors support and folks here at Sane you are able to get well soon. 



Re: Triggers with mental illness

Thank you for your support. Kind regards.

Re: Triggers with mental illness

Thank you for your support. I appreciate the contact numbers and I will use them thank you.

Re: Triggers with mental illness

Thank you for your support. Yes I am booked in to see my counsellor.


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